Monday, April 1, 2013

1.Train and run a 5k

I hate running. I always have. I don't like sweating or breathing heavy and to be very honest, I think I look stupid when I run. With all that being said, I put on my list "Train for and run a 5k" . Why might you ask? Because I'm an idiot who likes to torture myself? Nah. Because at some point I will learn to the love the sweat and learn how to breathe correctly and eventually I won't care about how I look when I run... right?

Couldn't be more accurate

Truth is people talk about running like it's this amazing thing. And I want to like it. I just have get past the panting and feeling like I am dying first, I think. The only way I know to get to that point is to have a goal. So I got a Groupon for registration for the Color Run 5k in June. Knowing myself, I need something to help me stay accountable and that's where you come in, my fine readers. This particular item is going to be a series of posts until June as I train.

Today was Day 1 of the Couch to 5k program. I had wanted to start once I finished the cleanse but it was ass cold. And last week I was fighting off some sinus crapola. So today was the day. And believe me, I tried to talk myself out of it. It was a balmy 40-something degrees when I got off work and it was windy. Maybe tomorrow it will be nicer..... NO. I know if I don't start on a Monday I'll put it off til NEXT week. But I kind of have a headache... NO. It's not that bad and the fresh air will do me good.

So I panted and my nose ran and I just wanted to stop but I did it. 32 mins, 2.06 miles.


  1. I'm in the same boat re: quest to run. My lungs and knees - in that order - resist any attempts at training. I've tried C25K before and really liked it; there's a podcast out there somewhere that has music synced up to the C25K prompts. Lemme know if you want me to try to find it.

  2. Thanks for the comment!

    Yes that would be great! I tried to listen to Spotify as well as the program and at one point C25K stopped and I had to reset it lol!

    Good luck on your running journey as well:)

    1. Oops! Better late than never, right? Robert Ullrey did the podcast that I'd downloaded. The music is kind of techno-y but tolerable while you're sucking wind.
